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Hockey Dad – Blend Inn Tour at The Tivoli

I had never photographed Hockey Dad before, but my brother-in-law has always been a huge fan. You know when you are told a band is really good by someone you don’t know well, you just space on it all together. My brother-in-law is a legend, so I gave Hockey Dad a listen back when they released Boronia, and he was totally right.

I think Blend Inn is Hockey Dad strengthening their sound on what they know made Boronia such a solid hit. I had never met the dudes before – maybe once at a Skegss or Dune Rats show, but they were ace. This Hockey Dad show was moved from Woolly Mammoth after the floor almost gave way during one of their all-ages shows here in Brisbane.

The leftover Brisbane shows were combined into one super show at The Tivoli. The Tivoli is my favourite medium-size venue. It has a beautiful, old-school feel without being a hassle for international bands or the punters.

Anyway, enough of my ramble. Here are the pics.

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

Hockey Dad Blend Inn Tour

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hockey dad 1490

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Matt Walter
Matt Walter
Photographer for Violent Soho, Crowbar, Dune Rats, Skegss, WAAX, Ceres, Camp Cope, Hard Aches, Clowns, and more. Host of Filter Photography Podcast.