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Matt Warrell changes his name to Matt Walter

When I started photography, I didn’t think I would have anything attached to the name Matt Warrell. Over the past few years I’ve had the name Matt Warrell published in publications I never imagined including VICE Magazine and TIME. On 1 July I started the new financial year with a new name because I married my wonderful partner and took her last name instead of asking her to take mine. Matt Warrell became Matt Walter.

I can’t get everyone to edit the tags or website links so they now include Matt Walter as the attribution. Despite what people say, exposure is important. At least 50% of my work has come from people seeing my name written somewhere. You can read about how I became a concert photographer over at my Filter photography podcast website. The other half of my work opportunities come from word-of-mouth. Which is why I would love it if you could mention to anyone that uses the name Matt Warrell that I now use Matt Walter.

I’ve spent the last month asking people what they think I should do with my brand – whether that be Matt Warrell Photographic Collections or just even photographing as Matt Warrell. You told me to just change it. It relieved me of my worry that walking away from the name Matt Warrell would be walking away from my achievements.

Fortunately, while Walter is a much more common name than Warrell, there aren’t any music photographers out there named Matt Walter. Success!

Changes to social media

Now it’s simpler to find me on social media because all the usernames are the same. Here’s the list of where I’m active on social media:

Instagram – @mattwalterphoto

Twitter – @mattwalterphoto

Facebook – @mattwalterphoto

Periscope – @mattwalterphoto

Snapchat – @hypeneko (someone tell me how to change this!)

These changes are only to the username itself. You’re still subscribed to me on any channel you followed me as Matt Warrell on.

Changes to the Matt Warrell website

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be redirecting my blog posts to my new website (available here) where you can see all the same photo work. The new Matt Walter site is easier to find the photo work you’re looking for and ask for my availability. While the Matt Warrell website was modern and eye-catching, it was difficult to manage long term. What started out as an easy-to-navigate website became a Frankenstein for not only the user, but also my search engine results. It was also difficult to manage the projects I wanted to showcase. Everything felt buried even when it was on the surface. A name change was a perfect time to do a bit of spring cleaning and simplify the navigation.

What’s next for Matt Walter?

The usual. Sure, I have a new name, new website and a lot of work ahead of me to bridge the old and new. I also have a lot of great things I haven’t released yet, and some exciting plans that will be starting in August 2017. I still am the same photographer, though. I still shoot for Violent Soho, Smith Street Band, Dune Rats and all of the others. I still photograph food and small bugs occasionally for my passion projects. I still share everything I know about photography with anyone who wants to know. I just now get to do it all under a name that means something to me now.

See you in a photo pit soon!

Matt Walter
Matt Walter
Photographer for Violent Soho, Crowbar, Dune Rats, Skegss, WAAX, Ceres, Camp Cope, Hard Aches, Clowns, and more. Host of Filter Photography Podcast.