I just got back from Melbourne, and while I can’t say too much about what I was working on just yet, I did document some of my stay by means of iPhone photography. Soon enough my routine visits to Melbourne might become a little clearer, but like any creative, I’m working hard on ideas that I think are unique and useful to people and am somewhat protective of that.
Creatives are a unique type. I spend almost 100% of my time around them and we all work a little differently. The one thing we have in common is how territorial we can be with new ideas. We’re all stuck in a time when all of the obvious ideas are already realised, and those that don’t appear obvious at first often turn out to be just that. Sometimes finding a unique idea is like finding a needle in a haystack, only some creatives will act like the stack is made of needles because only they can see it. That may be true to some people, but it’s not to anyone I know or have worked with. It might be ego or the ‘fake it till you make it’ routine.
Everyone else is hungry for that one idea, and when they get it, they’re proud that it’s theirs. Melbourne respects the importance of that creative culture, which is probably why most of my friends live down there now. I don’t think my idea is world-changing, but I’m excited to show you. For now, here are some shots from Melbourne as iPhone photography.